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The Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center (NRAC), headquartered
at University of Maryland, College Park, is one of five Regional Aquaculture
Centers established by the U. S. Congress for the United States. Funded by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture at an annual level of approximately $700,000,
and representing 12 states and the District of Columbia, NRAC develops and
sponsors cooperative regional research and extension projects in support of the
aquaculture industry in the northeastern United States.
A Board of Directors representing the region's aquaculture industries, academic
institutions and government agencies, provides overall direction and management
of NRAC. Research and extension priorities are established by a Technical-
Industry Advisory Committee (TIAC) consisting of a Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC)and an Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). The Technical
Advisory Committee includes key aquaculture researchers and extension agents
in the region, while the Industry Advisory Committee represents principal
commercial aquaculture interests in the Northeast.

Vision Statement
NRAC lies at the heart of 21st century expansion and diversification of a
northeastern aquaculture industry, which will grow by using advanced production
technologies to compete in the global marketplace. NRAC will aid the industry to
become economically viable and environmentally sustainable, helping aquaculture
to become a significant component of Northeast agriculture and an essential
complement to wild capture fisheries. NRAC will catalyze the economic
development of an industry that comprises open and closed, fresh and salt-water
systems-producing a wide array of fish, shellfish and other aquatic organismssupported
by progressive public and private research and development.

Mission Statement
NRAC is a principal public forum for the advancement and dissemination of
science and technology needed by Northeastern aquacultural producers and
support industries. NRAC facilitates regional stakeholder communications-linking
industry and government representatives to university scientists and educatorsguiding
and stimulating regional research and outreach initiatives. NRAC focuses
on science and education that will have a direct impact on attaining long-term
public benefits through enhanced aquacultural development in the region. NRACsponsored
projects emphasize science and education to stimulate growth of the
industry-measured in size and numbers of aquacultural enterprises-through
development and dissemination of profitable and environmentally benign

Procedures Manual

The Procedures Manual


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