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Misc NRAC Projects

2000-Michael Timmons, Cornell University $79,813

Optimizing Removal of Settleable Solids Using a No-Proprietary Double-Drain for Circular Culture Tanks

2006-Nick Brown, University of Maine $169,650

Developing and Testing Novel Methodology for Land-and Near Shore-Based Aquaculture of Green Sea Urchin

2013-Nick Brown, University of Maine $156,933

Assessment of Grow-out Strategies for the Green Sea Urchin

2010-Andrew Lazur, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science $449,903

Evaluating Restoration and Mitigation Aquatic Plant Species and markets to Advance the Commercialization of the Industry

2016-Dale Leavitt, Roger Williams University $8634

Measuring Flow Within Shellfish Growout Systems: Developing and Evaluating a Logging Mini-flow Meter


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